
Friday, December 16, 2011

The God Who Never Gives Up.

How do I know God is with me?
What if this is all a lie?
How do I know that is God who is speaking?

Oh the dreadfull darkness of doubt.

When we are going through darkness, God seems very far away. Which is exactly why He chose to draw near.

Throughout history, God's people have often forgotten Him, but God didn't forget them. He kept His word. And He didn't give up.

When the Isrealites grumbled in the desert.
When Moses wanted to back out of His heavenly calling.
When Saul's angry heart roared after David.
When David plotted to kill Uriah...
God didn't give up.

When Jesus was constricted by 9 months in the womb.
When Peter praised Him in the Upper Room, but denied Him the next day.

When the soldiers' whip ripped His flesh.
When the bystanders spit ran down His face...
He didn't give up.

In your moments of darkness, heartbreak, tragedy, sorrow, and loneliness, God seems far away. But the truth is, He is still there. He never left. God held Christ's hand steady on the cross, and He'll hold yours too.

You want to be forever changed? Allow your despair to meet head-on with Christ's unwavering grace.

Praise the God of encouragement! He loves you. He never gives up on you, especially when life is hard, because He's been in your shoes. The hand that reaches out to wipe your tears is a pierced one.

"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." - Romans 8:35-39

Wait on Christ. Stand before your Lord. The same eyes that conquered the grave and sent Satan running are looking longingly into your own. Rest in His love.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Free at Last.

The penalty of sin is death.


Sin imprisons us. It locks us up with guilt and shame and fear.

The only way we can be set free from sin is to serve the penalty.

Someone has to die.

You cannot leave the prison of sin unless there is a death.

That death has occured at Calvary.

Enter Christ, the heavenly substitue for us.

When Jesus died, sin's claim and power in our life died as well.

Christ took our place. He unlocked our shackles and slapped them on His own wrists.

He stepped in and said, "Let her go. Take me instead."

The pure and perfect Lamb was completely blameless. He had no reason to die. Yet He took God's full wrath through His death on a cross, and set us free.

God showed His unconditional love, mercy, and grace when He sacrificed His son for us.

And all He wants from us is our affection and obedience.

When we are absorbed in sin and glorifying ourselves rather than God, we are turning our noses up at this beautiful Heavenly Sacrifice.

We are human and we are imperfect. But we have been washed in Christ's perfect redeeming blood. Let us start living our lives in gratefulness of His sacrificial love, and in reverence and obedience of our Savior.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Switch Christmas Party this Sunday night!

This Sunday.

2.5 days away.

Student Center.

5:00 p.m.

Switch Christmas Party.

You don't wanna miss this.

Bring a $5 or less gift and everyone you've ever met.

We'll see you there!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Trust the Rope.

I'm a big Bear Grylls fan.

Can you blame me?

The man is brilliant.

He climbs mountains and makes sleeping bags out of sheep carcasses and eats things that most higher mammals turn up their nose at.

In one of Bear's books, "The Kid Who Climbed Everest", he talks about his experience as a 23-year old climbing the world's tallest mountain.

Climbing a mountain like Everest is a long process. But Bear's first experience climbing above Base Camp nearly ended his life. He, one of his climbing partners, and two sherpas who rig the safety ropes on the slope set out to climb the first stretch of the mountain known as the Khumbu Icefall. The Icefall is a solid sheet of ice that is extremely dangerous due to its instability. Climbers take care to be out of the Icefall by 2:00 p.m., when the sun is beating down directly overhead melting the ice. It was 1:47 p.m. and Bear and his partner were heading out of the Icefall.

"I unclipped, and clipped into the next rope down, and leant against the ice, recovering. Suddenly the ground just opened up beneath me. The ice cracked for a transient second, then just collapsed. My legs buckled beneath me and I was falling. I tumbled down, bouncing against the gray walls of the crevasse that before had been hidden by a thin veneer of ice. I carried on falling, then suddenly was jerked to a violent halt, as the rope held me firm. The falling ice crashed into my skull, jerking my neck backwards. I lost conciousness for a few precious seconds. I came to, to see the ice falling away below me into the darkness, as my body gently swung around on the end of the rope. It was eerily silent." - Bear Grylls

Luckily for Bear, the rope, that wasn't designed for impact falls, miraculously held his weight. Bear prayed and urged the rope to hold until he felt strong pulls on the rope. Nima and Pasang, the two Sherpa men, were pulling him out. Bear owed his life to these two brave and courageous men.

I doubt many of you have had a similar experience with a crevasse on an Everest slope, but we all have experienced falls. And I'm not talking about slipping on an icy sidewalk, or loosing your footing in a crowded cafeteria (which trust me, I've had my fair share of). I mean spiritual and emotional falls; Falls resulting from letting go of promises, of convictions, of truth. Falls from un-met expectations and shattered dreams.

I have experienced many of these falls. I'm falling, twisting, and turning, bracing myself for the crash I just know lays ahead, only to find myself suspended in midair, held securely by the hands of Christ. Those strong, nail-pierced hands.

Bear was shaken by his fall, but he didn't let his fear interfere with his goal. He got back up and climbed the mountain, and became the youngest British man to summit Everest.

After our falls, Christ is urging us to do the same thing; Try again.

We are all on a great climb. That summit is high and the risks are higher. But Christ has given us the harness of His Holy Spirit. With this climb comes weariness and fear. You may lose your footing or your focus. You lose your grip and you fall. For a moment, you're tumbling wildly and out of control, but then, the rope tightens. The harness holds. And you look up and see Jesus pulling you up out of your abyss. Your trust in your Savior builds and your journey resumes.

Satan can use fear to distract you or turn you from your goal. But whatever you do, don't quit. Although your falls are great, his strength is greater. You will make it. You will reach the summit. You will make it to the top.

"To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen." - Jude 1:24-25

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Off the Beaten Path.

I love to hike. I love being outside in God's creation.

But often times, I get bored with hiking trails. So I step off the path. I wander through the woods, through thick foliage and over rocks. It's so much more exciting. Sure, it's a little risky. I've tripped on roots, been scratched by briars, been covered in those little sticker seeds, and on occassion, gotten a little lost.

Any time you get off the beaten path, it's risky. But it's so much more thrilling.

Why don't I apply that same principle to my faith walk?

The beaten path is easy. It's cleared. It's smooth. But the coolest discoveries and the best finds are typically found off the path, where there's less traffic and more risks.

In our world, most people keep to the beaten path. It's comfortable. It's easy. It's low-exertion. But Christ is calling us to step away from the mundane and the ordinary into a life of following Him, rather than the crowd.

Is it easy? Absolutely not. You'll fall down. You'll scrape your knees. You'll get a little messy. But the rewards that await you are not only wonderful, they're eternal.

“The path of God-exalting joy will cost you your life. Jesus said, 'Whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.' In other words, it is better to lose your life than to waste it. If you live gladly to make others glad in God, your life will be hard, your risks will be high, and your joy will be full. The bible is not a book about how to avoid a wounded life, but how to avoid a wasted life.” - John Piper

Treasuring our comfort and our plans and our life above Christ is a tragedy.

God has given us one life to live, and He's also given us a calling: to spread the word about His love. Don't waste your life on elevating yourself. Instead, spend it shining a spotlight on our glorious God, the Giver of life itself.

Make your life count for something great! Long for your life to have eternal significance. Don't coast through life without any desires or passions. Strap on your boots and get off the beaten path. Trust me. It's worth it.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011



Pumpkin pie.

Can-shaped cranberry sauce.

Thanksgiving. The one day of the year where we give thanks.



Watch Full House or Family Matters or The Cosby Show or any other 90's sitcom and you'll see a family gathered around a table loaded with a mouth-watering feast. But before the casseroles start being passed and the turkey is carved, they pause and say what they are thankful for. Then the sappy music plays, they hug, and the ending credits roll.

Aaaaaaaaannndd SCENE.

Here's the problem with that. As a general rule, we express our thankfulness openly about one day a year, on the day that it is expected to give thanks. But what about the other 364 days?

We are so very blessed.

God deserves our praises and gratefulness 24/7.

It's easy to be thankful for the things that fit nice and neatly into your plan. But it's harder to be grateful for the circumstances that God has orchestrated that didn't work out according to your plan, but fit into HIS will and purpose.

Can you imagine if God indulged our every desire?

We would be running around like kids hopped up on sugar and an all-night cartoon marathon. It would be chaos.

God's goal for your life is for you to both accept and understand salvation.

The circumstances He arranges in your life encourage your journey towards that.

God doesn't care for your earthly satisfaction; He cares for your heavenly salvation.

He is not wrapped up in your immidiate indulgences, but He's doing all He can to push you towards eternal joy and peace.

And that is something worth giving thanks for. 365 days a year.

Have a great holiday, BCSMers!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Through God's Eyes

We live in a world that tells us exactly how we should look.

What we should wear.

Who we should be.

We are bombarded with images of athletes and supermodels and celebrities and TV personalities.

Our world is full of negativity and harsh criticisms.

When we're constantly told how to look, dress, act, sit, stand, and walk, our self esteem can take a big hit.

Society pushes us in one direction; God is pulling us in another.

Our world often leads us to feel worthless and inadequate and vulnerable.

But take hope in this: God does not see you that way. Not even close.

"I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord my God! For he has dressed me with the clothing of salvation and draped me in a robe of righteousness. I am like a bridegroom in his wedding suit or a bride with her jewels." - Isaiah 61:10

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." - 1 Peter 2:9

When your self-esteem is faltering, remember just how much you're worth. You have been bought with a price - not with silver that tarnishes or gold that looses it's gleam but with the precious blood of Christ, the pure and perfect lamb. He has dressed you up in His righteousness and love.

You may feel worthless, but God begs to differ. You may feel unloveable, but God loves you so much that He gave up His son. For you.

Meditate on that. Soak that in.

Allow God's love to change the way you see yourself. Start looking in the mirror through God's eyes.

Have a good weekend BCSMers!

Friday, November 11, 2011

He is Near.

I used to think of chruch as God's home-away-from-home.

Like that's where He hangs out and you can go there and visit Him on Sunday alongside other worshippers and get a big dose of His goodness and mercy and love.

But although God is present at every worship service, every prayer circle, every church meeting, He is not tied down there.

God is not tethered to a building.

God is deeply involved in the thick of things of your life.

He is not residing in a galaxy far, far away.

He is not posted up on a throne in a distant, secluded castle.

He is near.

He is in your mess. He is in your victory. He is in your heartbreak. He is in your joy.

He is in your traffic jams. In your long lines. In your pop quizzes. In your coffee break with friends. In your unexpected surprises. In your much-needed hug.

He is as near to us on Friday as He is on Sunday.

He is as near to us in the classroom as He is in the Worship Center.

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, Nor will the flame consume you. For I am the Lord your God." - Isaiah 43:2–3

Today, recognize that wherever you are, there God is also. He goes before you and clears a path. Draw closer to the God who is actively superintending every circumstance in your life, and delighting in bringing you joy and hope.

Have a good weekend, BCSMers.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Whispers in Silence

I don't know about you, but I wish God had a megaphone.

Or an air horn.

Or a flare gun.

Or one of those big cone things that cheerleaders yell into the stadium with.

The last thing I want to hear when I'm reaching out to God for answers is silence. Silence is deafening. Silence leads us to doubt. Silence leads us to question the One who is calling the shots. But what we have to understand is that our humanity limits our reasoning.

I remember when I was a kid, my older brother Brandon got the training wheels taken off of his bike. I remember thinking that that defining moment of maturity and growth was just the coolest thing ever. So naturally, being the admiring, and albeit slightly jealous little sister that I was, I wanted my training wheels off too. In my four year old mind, nothing would bring me more joy or excitement or bliss than a two-wheel joy ride. My parents told me that I wasn't ready, that I wasn't old enough yet, and that removing my training wheels too early would lead to more knee scrapes than thrills. Not to anyone's surprise, I was stubborn and upset. I pouted and I gave a cold-shoulder. Even though my Dad insisted that he knew best, I was sure that I had it all figured out.

Disappointment leads us to question the One in charge. When I bring my plans to Christ, a part of me expects an immediate, loud, booming response. I would like God to type up a nice little memo, outlining exactly what He has in store for me, and deliver it approximately 1-2 business days after my submitted request. Unfortunately, God doesn't work like that. He's more of a deal-in-faith kind of guy. He challenges us to submit and to wait and when things become uncertain, to cling to our desperate need for Him.

I guess things haven't changed all that much since I was a kid. I often think that my plans would bring me joy and happiness and righteousness and eternal bliss. I still think like that four year old redhead: that I've got it figured out. But just like my Dad was looking after his overly ambitious and naive daughter, my heavenly Father continually reminds me, "Have patience, dear. I know what's best for you."

Doubt is born when our expectations meet God's silence. We've all experienced what seems like an unresponsive God. But perhaps it isn't that God is silent. Perhaps, we've been listening for the wrong answer or expecting Christ to appear on different terms. We are often wrapped up in our earthly problems, while Jesus is busy behind-the-scenes resolving our heavenly ones.

Remember that the next time you hear the silence of God. When you present your desires and hopes and dreams and future plans to Him, and you don't hear a response, don't think God isn't listening. He is. And He is answering requests you are not even making. Because even though we may be absorbed with our earthly issues, God cares so much about us that He is focusing on our eternity and working on a plan to grow and prosper us, to bring us a hope and a future in Him. So listen closer: our loving God is whispering in the silences and rejoicing in planning out our futures.

Friday, November 4, 2011

It's Friday...

... show some love today.

You want to know how to be more loving? Accept your position as a dearly loved child of God. Want to learn how to forgive? Consider all the forgiveness and cleansing you've received. Are you struggling with putting others first? Think of the way Christ put you first, above Himself.

“Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us." - Ephesians 5:1-2

How do we learn to be imitators of God? We get to know Him better.

There's an amazing opportunity for that tonight (Friday, November 4th) from 7pm to 1am. We will be hosting the Secret Church simulcast in the Student Center. Come out for an intensive bible study and time of prayer for our brothers and sisters in Christ around the globe who are persecuted for the faith we share. Sure it's a big time commitment. But He's worth it.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Don't Miss It.

The trip from Egypt to the promised land can be made in eleven days:

"It is eleven days' journey from Horeb by the way of Mount Seir to Kadesh-barnea." - Deut. 1:2

But it took the Israelites 40ish years.


The time it took for toddlers to turn into middle aged men.

Still wondering around in the wilderness.

God had just freed the Israelites from bondage in Egypt, providing an escape route through the parted Red Sea. They had this crazy, supernatural cloud guiding them around during the day and this pillar of fire that offered them direction and warmth at night. God brought water out of a rock and provided manna from Heaven. He had this prime piece of real estate set aside for them - a better life with joy and contentment and satisfaction and growth in God. The Isrealites saw first hand what God was capable of; He was throwing out His best work to provide for them and what did they do?

They complained. They grumbled. They moaned. They chickened out.

The Israelites didn't do what they should have done. They didn't trust and they didn't obey. So God decided they needed some time to rethink a few things.

Maybe God is wanting to teach you a few things too. Pay attention. You don't want to spend 40 years missing the point.

Friday, October 28, 2011

It's Friday...

... which means tomorrow is Saturday.

........... which means tomorrow is the Haunted Corn Maze trip.

..................... which means fun times lay ahead... if you dare.

Join us! You don't want to miss this.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Praying for the Persecuted: Secret Church Simulcast

Here in America, we take a lot of things for granted. Like going to church, for example. To us, it's just getting up on Sunday morning, pounding about 4 cups of coffee, and driving to a building filled with people who probably followed the same routine. It's simple, right?
But this isn't the norm for people all over the world.
In some countries, people are forced to meet in dark, crowded rooms in the middle of the night where they sit on dirt floors, reading God's word by lamplight. See in some countries, it's not so easy to be a Christian. Some people are persecuted for their faith, facing losing everything, including their lives just by accepting Christ.

Would we pursue after God if the risks were heightened? Would we literally give up everything to chase after the Cross?

On Friday, November 4th from 7 p.m - 1 a.m, we have an amazing opportunity to pour into God's word in an intensive study of the Bible and pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who risk so much to worship our great God.

Here's the info.:

Secret Church Simulcast
November 4th, 7pm - 1am

Marriage, Family, Sex and the Gospel

Manhood. Womanhood. Marriage. Parenting. Singleness. Sex. Divorce. Homosexuality. Same-sex marriage. Polygamy. Pornography. Adoption. Abortion. Cultures around the world perceive each of these issues differently. So how does God's Word address them? During Secret Church on November 4, 2011, we will explore how the gospel uniquely affects our understanding of family, marriage, sex, and host of related (and controversial) issues that are ultimately foundational for the display of the glory of God in our lives, in the church, and in the world.
For millions of believers around the world, faith in Christ and belief in the teachings of the Bible are not only discouraged, but actually dangerous.

Periodically, Secret Church gatherings are held to engage in an intense six-hour bible study as we identify with and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters across the globe.

The objective of Secret Church is for you to pass along what you learn in these gatherings to others, so that you can make disciples of Christ in all nations for God's glory.

"Scripture is clear that when one part of the body of Christ hurts, the whole body hurts. And we have a responsibilty to pray on behalf of our brothers and sisters all over the world who are in persecuted areas and to serve them in any way we can. Secret Church tries to bring those two together: knowing the Word, knowing our persecuted brothers and sisters, and serving both to the glory of Christ." - David Platt

Friday, October 21, 2011

It's Friday...

.... and the Haunted Corn Maze trip is 8 days away.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Heaven knows...

My grandparents say that all the time.

"Heaven knows I'm not as young as I once was."

Oh and Morrissey. "Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now"... You know. Morrissey. Lead singer and lyricist of the 1980's British alternative rock band The Smiths.... Anyone?


I've heard that saying a lot, "Heaven knows...", but I've never really thought about what it means until now.

The world may know superficial things about you; what is evident and what you choose to show the world. But the knowledge of Heaven goes deeper.

"And he said to them, 'Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.'" - Luke 12:15

The world may analyze you by what you have or own, but Heaven does not see you that way.

Life is not defined by what you have, even if you have a lot.

Who you are has nothing to do with the clothes you wear or the car you drive.

Heaven doesn't know you as the guy with the new iPhone 4S or the girl with about 500 pairs of shoes. Heaven doesn't see you as the Captain of the football team or the most popular girl in school. The world may see you as the band geek or the redneck, but Heaven doesn't.

Heaven knows your heart.

When God sees you, He may think of your devotion, your kindness, your compassion, your leadership, your gentle spirit or your quick mind, but He doesn't think of your things... and when you think of yourself, you shouldn't either.

Work on growing into the person God wants you to be. Instead of thinking about what you will wear tomorrow or what you're going to get for Christmas, concentrate on who you want to be.

Look past your stuff and see what God's got waiting for you. You won't be dissapointed.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Haunted Corn Maze Trip!

get ready to get scared.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


We use that word so casually.

I love Justin Bieber.
I love my girlfriend.
I love macaroni and cheese.
I love that wolf guy from Twilight.

I think we're losing the meaning of the word love.

Just to make clear to what kind of love they're referring, there are 4 words for love in the greek language.

Storge: affectionate love like parents have for their children
Philia: brotherly love, or love for your friends
Eros: a love that goes beyond friendship, like the love of a husband/wife
Agape: true love, unconditional love, sacrificial love; the love God has for us.

Agape love is hard for us to wrap our minds around. Unconditional love: love that crosses bounds. Love that overlooks faults. God loves us when we feel unloveable. He loves us when all others abandon us. He loves us no matter what.

You want evidence of God's love?

Jesus could have given up.

When the God of the universe, the divine Creator, all powerful and mighty God, had to spend 9 months in the womb, He could have backed out.

When he saw the dirty, smelly, disgusting manger that He would be born in, He could have called a quits.

The first time His stomach growled for food.

The first time He scraped His knee.

The first time He smashed His finger with a hammer.

He could have given up. When He saw the cross, He could have backed out.

But He didn't. Why? Because love (true, unconditional, Agape love) goes the distance.

Christ traveled from the power of limitless eternity to be confined by humanity, to be restricted by flesh.

He didn't have to. But He did. Because, "Love endures all things..." - 1 Cor. 13:4-7

Friday, October 7, 2011

It's Friday...

...laugh at football bloopers.

have a great weekend, hsm'ers!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tear down your towers.

Let’s just face it.

A lot of high school is about hierarchies.

Who’s at the top, who’s at the bottom.

Who gets the royal treatment, and who doesn’t.

Who’s in the spotlight, and who is off to the sidelines.

But Jesus has no room for pecking orders.

“Love… does not boast. It is not proud.” 1 Corinthians 13:4

Jesus won’t stand for this popularity battle.

It’s easy to see why.

After all, Jesus himself said
"Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence. This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: Love others as well as you love yourself. These two commands are pegs; everything in God's Law and the Prophets hangs from them." – Matthew 22:37-39 (The Message).

How can I love others if I’m completely wrapped up in myself and my own affairs?
How can I point to God if I’m pointing at myself?

How can I see God if I’m blinded by my own brilliance?

Stop fanning your tail feathers. Come down off your high roost.

Tear down the towers you've built for yourself. Punch holes in the walls that you've built around your heart.

Put away your royal robes. Clothe yourself in Humility. Lay down your ego. Put on God's righteousness instead.

Let God reign in your life, and look beyond yourself. You have the power and opportunity to impact someone’s life today and grow closer to Christ in the process. Don’t miss it.

Friday, September 30, 2011

It's Friday...

... Laugh at animals doing wierd things.

Have a great weekend BCSMers.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Parenting a New Generation

Hey Parents.

You want to attend the Parenting a New Generation class but can't make it to Midweek U?

You're in luck.

You now have two chances to attend!

The Parenting a New Generation class will be offered during first worship (9:30) , starting October 9th. The class will be lead by Grant and Trudy Pierron, and will meet in the Brown House.

The class will also still be offered during Midweek U starting Wednesday, October 5th.

Take your pick! We'll see you there!

Questions? Contact Brent Metcalf at

Friday, September 23, 2011



This 5-letter word packs a mean punch. It carries so much weight. It does so much damage. Like a tornado ripping through your heart.

Anger is a powerful and complex emotion, with many causes: stress, impatience, unmet expectations, referees who couldn't see a pass-interference call if it was sitting in their lap... sorry... bitter memories.

Many sparks can ignite the flame of anger, but most often the fire that burns hottest is stoked out of rejection.

There are many stories of anger and rejection throughout God's Word.

The story of Cain and Abel is the first appearance of anger in the Bible. The Lord accepted Abel, but didn't accept Cain because of His dark heart and evil intentions. (Gen.4:4-5).
King Saul was rejected by his people when they started to favor the heroic, golden boy David over himself. (1 Samuel 18:7-8).
And Jonah. He had a whale of a problem with anger. (Sorry...couldn't resist). Jonah didn't believe that the Ninevites were worthy of mercy, but God did. When God poured out his limitless forgiveness on the people of Nineveh, He was actively rejecting Jonah's opinion, which initially displeased and angered Jonah. (Jonah 4:1).
Even Jesus, the human form of the eternal God, faced a constant slew of rejection. God sent His son to take our sins on His shoulders, to save the world - a real life superhero, and people rejected Him. "The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes." (Matthew 21:42).

Rejection and anger aren't restricted to those old guys in their white robes and leather sandals. These are things that we deal with daily. You encounter rejection when you don't make the varsity cut. When you don't get the lead in the play that you wanted. When that girl you've been pursing for so long shoots you down. When your best friend finds someone else that they'd rather hang out with. Sometimes we even feel rejected by God. In the midst of trials and darkness, it's easy to think that God has forgotten you; that He's not listening and He doesn't have your back anymore.

But Christ feels your pain. He knows what rejection feels like; He's lived it. God's grace and love are exceptional in that it has no exceptions - God loves you no matter what and will never turn on you. If we think God is harsh and unfair, we will treat people harshly and unfairly. But when we discover that God has doused us with unconditional love, that should make a difference in how we regard people and situations.

"As you come to Him, the living Stone - rejected by human beings but chosen by God and precious to Him - you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy preisthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ... Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy." (1 Peter 2:4-5, 10).

Take your bitterness to God, who knows you better than anyone else and who understands your feelings. Leave your resentment at the Cross. When others reject you, let Christ accept you. He adores you. He sings over you. Take a long drink from His limitless love, and cool down.

Friday, September 16, 2011


I love watching those segments on America's Funniest Home Videos where people get scared. You know, the guy jumping out of a trashcan, or popping up at a window wearing a Scream mask, or hiding in a locker waiting to shock the unknowing passerby.

Life is full of surprises - typically not the jump-out-of-a-dumpster kind or the there's-a-cat-in-your-mailbox kind; just the usual unexpected situations or events that sneak up on you daily. A pop quiz, or a phone call from a long lost friend, or some questionable medical test results; the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Even though I like watching people get surprised, I've never been a huge fan of the unexpected.
But one thing that brings me peace in these times of discomfort and not knowing what lays ahead for me?

The fact that God has never been surprised.

Not once.

"I am the one who creates the light and makes the darkness. I am the one who sends good times and bad times. I, the Lord, am the one who does these things." - Isaiah 45:7

No struggle will come your way apart from His purpose and permission.

Chance and luck are eliminated.

He superintends every circumstance in our lives and delights in doing us good.

God, the author of Creation, knows all and designs all. Not one leaf falls without His permission. That time your car didn't start? Yeah, He knew. That text that just made your day? Yeah, He wrote that into your story.

God wrote our symphony - now we're just following the chords.

Wow. Drink it in. Drink deeply from His Lordship.

Nothing comes your way that has not first passed through the filter of His love.

Nothing comes to me that hasn't passed through you.

God's ways are always right, even if they don't make sense to us. We may be thrown into some difficult, or uncomfortable, or painful situations, but they are right.

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called to His purpose for them." - Romans 8:28

You make all things work together for my good.

Don't fear the unknown. Don't avoid the blind spots. God has authored every single word of your story.

Trust Him. Let the Lord of all reign in you today.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

HSM Event-Sept 16th-Lockout

HSM Lockout Friday, September 16th

We will meet at BCC @ 9:30pm after the football game
Cost: $20 includes food and Fun Depot
We will return to the church at 3 am and return to your homes to get some sleep

Thursday, May 19, 2011

eat more chicken??? DR Fundraiser

Dominican Republic Mission Trip Fundraiser

This Friday, May 20th, Zaxby's will donate 10% off all profits (from 3pm to 8pm) toward the DR Mission trip for the high school ministry. Make sure you, your friends and family eat at Zaxby's this Friday and support our students. The Dominican Republic Mission Trip coming up fast this June 20-29. Thanks for your support.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Small Groups start back this weekend!!!

This Sunday May 15th we will be starting back high school small groups. Guys and girls will meet together for a small meal and then split into guy/girl groups. We will be meeting for the next four weeks through June 5th

This will be a great time to connect with others, have fun, and eat some good food. We will meeting @ Brent & Amanda Metcalf's. They don't have much parking so we will carpool from the church. Meet at the church at 5pm. Please email me if you have any questions.

Heart Walk this weekend!!!

Over the past few years Brevard Community Church has had the privilege of getting to know Emmaline Wayne and her family.

Emmaline is in ninth grade and is a walking miracle! She has victoriously survived more surgeries and procedures than most people endure in a lifetime. With an indomitable, optimistic spirit, she has never complained, never wavered in her faith in God, never felt sorry for herself and never lost her love of life. We continually stand in awe of her strength and courage.

Emmaline is in such good health today! It is through God's mercy and the dedicated work of doctors and researchers that her life has been spared many times. Although she still has ongoing heart issues, we have reason to hope that God will continue to work through the amazing field of medicine and research to someday bring about her healing.

Emmaline's family is organizing a walk in honor of Emmaline that will raise support for The Children's Heart Foundation (CHF). "The goal of CHF is to bring health, hope and happiness to children impacted by congenital heart defects, the number one birth defect in the United States. They accomplish this goal by funding the most promising research to advance the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of congenital heart defects."

We would be deeply grateful for your support of The Children's Heart Foundation, as it could one day be instrumental in helping to find a cure for Emmaline's heart defects.

We will embark on a 4-mile Walk through the town of Brevard, NC, and we heartily welcome anyone who wishes to join us.

Walk for CHF will be held on Saturday, May 14, at 9:30 a.m. at Brevard Community Church.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Secret Church?

Good Friday is April 22. Brevard Community Church will be hosting a simulcast event lead by David Platt.

Friday evening 7:00 pm to 1:00 am

Don't miss out on this time to dive deep into God's word.


Dr. David Platt will lead us in a time of Bible Study on Good Friday, the day of Christ's crucifixion. From cover to cover in Scripture, God’s grand design is to display His glory in the salvation of sinners. The climax of this redemptive plan is the cross of Christ, where God pours out His wrath due sin upon His Son so that we might receive His mercy. But how is Christ’s work on the cross applied to our lives? In the words of the Philippian jailer, “What must we do to be saved?” During this Secret Church, we will explore how the Bible answers this question as we consider God’s love, Christ’s atonement, and the Christian’s conversion, regeneration, justification, sanctification, and eventual glorification. In the end, we will find ourselves boasting only in the cross of Christ, through which we have received the grace of God and by which we now live for the glory of God.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

HSM Girls Movie Night...This Sunday

High School Girls are going to see Soul Surfer this Sunday afternoon.
Meet at BCC @ 3:30 p.m. to go to Epic in Hendersonville.
Text or Call Amanda @ 577-9458 if interested

Monday, April 11, 2011

Switch Beach Trip 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

DR Meeting This Sunday-12:30pm

Informational Meeting This Sunday, March 13 @ 12:30pm in student center

This June we will be returning to the Dominican Republic

We have been partnering with ministries in the DR for the last nine years. We will be working with local churches and ministries sharing the love of Christ. We lead Bible school, work in construction, and help serve in ministries to impoverished communities.

The dates for the trip are: June 20-29

The cost for the trip is : $1400

$100 Deposit due Sunday, April 17th

For more information please contact

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Movie Event:To save a life

This Wednesday Night March 2nd at 6pm at Brevard Community Church

Popcorn and Drinks provided

Invite your friends and join us for a movie that will change your perspective on life.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dominican Republic Mission Trip 2011

This June we will be returning to the Dominican Republic

We have been partnering with ministries in the DR for the last nine years. We will be working with local churches and ministries sharing the love of Christ. We lead Bible school, work in construction, and help serve in ministries to impoverished communities.

The dates for the trip are: June 20-29

The cost for the trip is : $1400

Informational Meeting-Sunday, March 13 @ 12:30pm in student center

$100 Deposit due Sunday, April 17th

For more information please contact

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


This coming Sunday as a church we will be ending a forty day journey. It has been a very interesting journey; I am still trying to process all that God has been teaching me. There has been one major theme that God has shown me during this journey. God has shown me how many areas of my normal everyday life can distract me from following God.

One of the distractions that I have in my life is technology. I can be a little bit of a nerd when it comes to TV, PS3, Computers, IPhone, and IPad. Ok I will admit it I am a technology junkie. I didn’t realize how much I was controlled by the habit of turning on the television, checking my phone, or spending time on the Internet.

I read this verse this past week that for some reason really stood out to me.

Psalm 37:5 (NLT)

"Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you."

“Commit everything” just seemed to be jumping of the page when I read Psalm 37. Everything? What does this mean?

everything |ˈevrēˌθi ng |


1 all things; all the things of a group or class

all things of importance; a great deal : I lost everything in the crash | he owed everything to his years in Munich.

the most important thing or aspect : money isn't everything.

The question that has been on my heart has been am I willing to commit everything? Are you? What does this look like?

Look at the disciples and what it cost them to follow Jesus. It cost them everything even their lives. How far are you willing to go? Is half a commitment to Jesus any commitment at all? What are the distractions in your life that are keeping you from giving everything to Jesus?

Watch this video from Hillsong and reflect on these questions

Monday, February 21, 2011

HSM Small Groups: Crazy Love

Last night we started back HSM small groups. For the next few weeks we are studying the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. We met at the Myers house and I think we all ate a little too much. Sandra thank you for the cheese fries!

The topic that we discussed was prayer. Francis Chan asked the question how would we pray if we prayed like we were talking directly to God? His point was that we should always approach God like we are talking directly to Him. Often we get caught up in the ritual of praying and maybe for some of us we can't even remember the last time we talked to God.

It isn't to late to join us for this study. We planned it in such a way that anyone could jump in at any time. We will be meeting the next five Sunday evenings from 5-7 pm. Come join us you will not regret it.

Here is a video that we didn't have time to watch last night that I wanted everyone to see.

Francis Chan- Pastor, Author, Speaker from nwdigitalcoaching on Vimeo.

Also here is a website to see more videos by Francis Chan

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

HSM: Small Groups start this weekend

This Sunday Feb. 20th we will be starting back high school small groups. Guys and girls will meet together for a small meal and then split into guy/girl groups. We will be studying Crazy Love by Francis Chan. We will be meeting for the next six weeks through March 27th

This will be a great time to connect with others, have fun, and eat some good food. We will meeting @ Kevin and Veresa Myers home. They don't have much parking so we will carpool from the church. Meet at the church at 5pm. Please email me if you have any questions.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Super bowl Party Pics....

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Winter Jam or school? how about both!

Well it seems like every year we have trouble getting to winterjam. Snow last year now school on Saturday.

We are still going to Winter jam tomorrow. Leaving BCC @ 3:30 pm

Please bring a permission slip
download one from under forms

We just want parents to use their wisdom on if their kids should be able to go because it will be a late night. Our plan will be to try to return to BCC by 12 midnight. If you have questions or concerns please give us a call at the office tomorrow. 884-5932 ask for Brent or Brad

Saturday, February 5, 2011

HSM: Super Bowl Party

High School Students

Tomorrow @ 6 pm @ BCC Student Center

Super Bowl Party

Packers vs. Steelers

Join us for a fun night of hanging out and ALOT of good food!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Prince Liam

One thing that I continue to notice about myself is that I can be a very selfish person. One area that God has been stretching me in lately is complaining. Here in America, in small town Brevard we have become very good at complaining when things don’t go the way we want them to go. One thing I am learning to do through the help of a few close friends is asking God "what are you wanting to teach me through this situation?" Many times we miss what God is wanting to teach us because we are so focused on ourselves.

Every once and a while you hear a story that punches you in the gut. These types of stories seem to painful and stir up such raw emotion they are impossible to even fully comprehend. Last week I heard one of those stories.

Last week I received a message that Liam Whitt (4 years old), a little boy that Jessie Garren got to know while she was in the hospital in New York had passed away. Our oldest daughter Marley Ruth is four years old. I can't even begin to imagine the pain that Liam's parents are feeling. When something like this happens it truly brings life into perspective. What is really the most important thing? All the stuff and complaints in our lives seem to fade. It should be like this all the time, but often we need a wake up call from our selfishness.

Please be in prayer for Liam’s family during this time on immense loss.

Psalm 10:17

"You, LORD, hear the desire of the afflicted;

you encourage them, and you listen to their cry"

If you would like to read more about Liam and Jessie’s stories follow the links bellow

Liam's site


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cadbury Eggs?

As a church we are currently on a journey for 40 days through the book of Acts. We are learning how the early church started and how it applies to the modern church. Our hope is that you will take time to evaluate personally where you are at in your connection to God. It is very easy for us to get consumed with “stuff”, whether it is: TV, Facebook, possessions, sweets (love the Cadbury eggs), or other cravings. It can be difficult to see how much these cravings control your actions and even attitudes.

During this journey many people in the church are “fasting” something. Fasting is not a term that you hear much about in today’s world. Fasting is basically a choice to go without something for a period of time. The purpose is to use that time that you would normally be eating, watching TV, or connecting through Facebook to spend with God.

Do you want to go deeper in your connection to God? Ask what would be something that would benefit you the most during these next thirty plus days to surrender to God? You might be surprised what the answer is?

Here some examples of things you may try:

Fasting TV for a day or a week

Fasting Facebook for a day or a week

Fasting sweets for a week

The key is to start small and do it with the heart of wanting to seek God. Before starting a food fast I would recommend talking with someone who has done it and ask your parents.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

HSM Ski Trip...coming soon-signup due this Sunday!!!

Signup and Money due by THIS Sunday, Jan 20th

HSM Ski Trip

Saturday, January 29

Lift ticket no ski or snowboard rental-$60
Ski rental & Lift ticket-$75
Snowboard rental & Lift ticket-$85

Leave BCC @ 8am
Return BCC @ 1am

Money is due by Sunday, January 23rd

download a permission slip from