
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Praying for the Persecuted: Secret Church Simulcast

Here in America, we take a lot of things for granted. Like going to church, for example. To us, it's just getting up on Sunday morning, pounding about 4 cups of coffee, and driving to a building filled with people who probably followed the same routine. It's simple, right?
But this isn't the norm for people all over the world.
In some countries, people are forced to meet in dark, crowded rooms in the middle of the night where they sit on dirt floors, reading God's word by lamplight. See in some countries, it's not so easy to be a Christian. Some people are persecuted for their faith, facing losing everything, including their lives just by accepting Christ.

Would we pursue after God if the risks were heightened? Would we literally give up everything to chase after the Cross?

On Friday, November 4th from 7 p.m - 1 a.m, we have an amazing opportunity to pour into God's word in an intensive study of the Bible and pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who risk so much to worship our great God.

Here's the info.:

Secret Church Simulcast
November 4th, 7pm - 1am

Marriage, Family, Sex and the Gospel

Manhood. Womanhood. Marriage. Parenting. Singleness. Sex. Divorce. Homosexuality. Same-sex marriage. Polygamy. Pornography. Adoption. Abortion. Cultures around the world perceive each of these issues differently. So how does God's Word address them? During Secret Church on November 4, 2011, we will explore how the gospel uniquely affects our understanding of family, marriage, sex, and host of related (and controversial) issues that are ultimately foundational for the display of the glory of God in our lives, in the church, and in the world.
For millions of believers around the world, faith in Christ and belief in the teachings of the Bible are not only discouraged, but actually dangerous.

Periodically, Secret Church gatherings are held to engage in an intense six-hour bible study as we identify with and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters across the globe.

The objective of Secret Church is for you to pass along what you learn in these gatherings to others, so that you can make disciples of Christ in all nations for God's glory.

"Scripture is clear that when one part of the body of Christ hurts, the whole body hurts. And we have a responsibilty to pray on behalf of our brothers and sisters all over the world who are in persecuted areas and to serve them in any way we can. Secret Church tries to bring those two together: knowing the Word, knowing our persecuted brothers and sisters, and serving both to the glory of Christ." - David Platt


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