
Friday, November 11, 2011

He is Near.

I used to think of chruch as God's home-away-from-home.

Like that's where He hangs out and you can go there and visit Him on Sunday alongside other worshippers and get a big dose of His goodness and mercy and love.

But although God is present at every worship service, every prayer circle, every church meeting, He is not tied down there.

God is not tethered to a building.

God is deeply involved in the thick of things of your life.

He is not residing in a galaxy far, far away.

He is not posted up on a throne in a distant, secluded castle.

He is near.

He is in your mess. He is in your victory. He is in your heartbreak. He is in your joy.

He is in your traffic jams. In your long lines. In your pop quizzes. In your coffee break with friends. In your unexpected surprises. In your much-needed hug.

He is as near to us on Friday as He is on Sunday.

He is as near to us in the classroom as He is in the Worship Center.

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, Nor will the flame consume you. For I am the Lord your God." - Isaiah 43:2–3

Today, recognize that wherever you are, there God is also. He goes before you and clears a path. Draw closer to the God who is actively superintending every circumstance in your life, and delighting in bringing you joy and hope.

Have a good weekend, BCSMers.


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