
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Don't Miss It.

The trip from Egypt to the promised land can be made in eleven days:

"It is eleven days' journey from Horeb by the way of Mount Seir to Kadesh-barnea." - Deut. 1:2

But it took the Israelites 40ish years.


The time it took for toddlers to turn into middle aged men.

Still wondering around in the wilderness.

God had just freed the Israelites from bondage in Egypt, providing an escape route through the parted Red Sea. They had this crazy, supernatural cloud guiding them around during the day and this pillar of fire that offered them direction and warmth at night. God brought water out of a rock and provided manna from Heaven. He had this prime piece of real estate set aside for them - a better life with joy and contentment and satisfaction and growth in God. The Isrealites saw first hand what God was capable of; He was throwing out His best work to provide for them and what did they do?

They complained. They grumbled. They moaned. They chickened out.

The Israelites didn't do what they should have done. They didn't trust and they didn't obey. So God decided they needed some time to rethink a few things.

Maybe God is wanting to teach you a few things too. Pay attention. You don't want to spend 40 years missing the point.


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