
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Free at Last.

The penalty of sin is death.


Sin imprisons us. It locks us up with guilt and shame and fear.

The only way we can be set free from sin is to serve the penalty.

Someone has to die.

You cannot leave the prison of sin unless there is a death.

That death has occured at Calvary.

Enter Christ, the heavenly substitue for us.

When Jesus died, sin's claim and power in our life died as well.

Christ took our place. He unlocked our shackles and slapped them on His own wrists.

He stepped in and said, "Let her go. Take me instead."

The pure and perfect Lamb was completely blameless. He had no reason to die. Yet He took God's full wrath through His death on a cross, and set us free.

God showed His unconditional love, mercy, and grace when He sacrificed His son for us.

And all He wants from us is our affection and obedience.

When we are absorbed in sin and glorifying ourselves rather than God, we are turning our noses up at this beautiful Heavenly Sacrifice.

We are human and we are imperfect. But we have been washed in Christ's perfect redeeming blood. Let us start living our lives in gratefulness of His sacrificial love, and in reverence and obedience of our Savior.


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