
Monday, February 21, 2011

HSM Small Groups: Crazy Love

Last night we started back HSM small groups. For the next few weeks we are studying the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. We met at the Myers house and I think we all ate a little too much. Sandra thank you for the cheese fries!

The topic that we discussed was prayer. Francis Chan asked the question how would we pray if we prayed like we were talking directly to God? His point was that we should always approach God like we are talking directly to Him. Often we get caught up in the ritual of praying and maybe for some of us we can't even remember the last time we talked to God.

It isn't to late to join us for this study. We planned it in such a way that anyone could jump in at any time. We will be meeting the next five Sunday evenings from 5-7 pm. Come join us you will not regret it.

Here is a video that we didn't have time to watch last night that I wanted everyone to see.

Francis Chan- Pastor, Author, Speaker from nwdigitalcoaching on Vimeo.

Also here is a website to see more videos by Francis Chan


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