
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dominican Republic Mission Trip 2011

This June we will be returning to the Dominican Republic

We have been partnering with ministries in the DR for the last nine years. We will be working with local churches and ministries sharing the love of Christ. We lead Bible school, work in construction, and help serve in ministries to impoverished communities.

The dates for the trip are: June 20-29

The cost for the trip is : $1400

Informational Meeting-Sunday, March 13 @ 12:30pm in student center

$100 Deposit due Sunday, April 17th

For more information please contact

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


This coming Sunday as a church we will be ending a forty day journey. It has been a very interesting journey; I am still trying to process all that God has been teaching me. There has been one major theme that God has shown me during this journey. God has shown me how many areas of my normal everyday life can distract me from following God.

One of the distractions that I have in my life is technology. I can be a little bit of a nerd when it comes to TV, PS3, Computers, IPhone, and IPad. Ok I will admit it I am a technology junkie. I didn’t realize how much I was controlled by the habit of turning on the television, checking my phone, or spending time on the Internet.

I read this verse this past week that for some reason really stood out to me.

Psalm 37:5 (NLT)

"Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you."

“Commit everything” just seemed to be jumping of the page when I read Psalm 37. Everything? What does this mean?

everything |ˈevrēˌθi ng |


1 all things; all the things of a group or class

all things of importance; a great deal : I lost everything in the crash | he owed everything to his years in Munich.

the most important thing or aspect : money isn't everything.

The question that has been on my heart has been am I willing to commit everything? Are you? What does this look like?

Look at the disciples and what it cost them to follow Jesus. It cost them everything even their lives. How far are you willing to go? Is half a commitment to Jesus any commitment at all? What are the distractions in your life that are keeping you from giving everything to Jesus?

Watch this video from Hillsong and reflect on these questions

Monday, February 21, 2011

HSM Small Groups: Crazy Love

Last night we started back HSM small groups. For the next few weeks we are studying the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. We met at the Myers house and I think we all ate a little too much. Sandra thank you for the cheese fries!

The topic that we discussed was prayer. Francis Chan asked the question how would we pray if we prayed like we were talking directly to God? His point was that we should always approach God like we are talking directly to Him. Often we get caught up in the ritual of praying and maybe for some of us we can't even remember the last time we talked to God.

It isn't to late to join us for this study. We planned it in such a way that anyone could jump in at any time. We will be meeting the next five Sunday evenings from 5-7 pm. Come join us you will not regret it.

Here is a video that we didn't have time to watch last night that I wanted everyone to see.

Francis Chan- Pastor, Author, Speaker from nwdigitalcoaching on Vimeo.

Also here is a website to see more videos by Francis Chan

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

HSM: Small Groups start this weekend

This Sunday Feb. 20th we will be starting back high school small groups. Guys and girls will meet together for a small meal and then split into guy/girl groups. We will be studying Crazy Love by Francis Chan. We will be meeting for the next six weeks through March 27th

This will be a great time to connect with others, have fun, and eat some good food. We will meeting @ Kevin and Veresa Myers home. They don't have much parking so we will carpool from the church. Meet at the church at 5pm. Please email me if you have any questions.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Super bowl Party Pics....

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Winter Jam or school? how about both!

Well it seems like every year we have trouble getting to winterjam. Snow last year now school on Saturday.

We are still going to Winter jam tomorrow. Leaving BCC @ 3:30 pm

Please bring a permission slip
download one from under forms

We just want parents to use their wisdom on if their kids should be able to go because it will be a late night. Our plan will be to try to return to BCC by 12 midnight. If you have questions or concerns please give us a call at the office tomorrow. 884-5932 ask for Brent or Brad

Saturday, February 5, 2011

HSM: Super Bowl Party

High School Students

Tomorrow @ 6 pm @ BCC Student Center

Super Bowl Party

Packers vs. Steelers

Join us for a fun night of hanging out and ALOT of good food!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Prince Liam

One thing that I continue to notice about myself is that I can be a very selfish person. One area that God has been stretching me in lately is complaining. Here in America, in small town Brevard we have become very good at complaining when things don’t go the way we want them to go. One thing I am learning to do through the help of a few close friends is asking God "what are you wanting to teach me through this situation?" Many times we miss what God is wanting to teach us because we are so focused on ourselves.

Every once and a while you hear a story that punches you in the gut. These types of stories seem to painful and stir up such raw emotion they are impossible to even fully comprehend. Last week I heard one of those stories.

Last week I received a message that Liam Whitt (4 years old), a little boy that Jessie Garren got to know while she was in the hospital in New York had passed away. Our oldest daughter Marley Ruth is four years old. I can't even begin to imagine the pain that Liam's parents are feeling. When something like this happens it truly brings life into perspective. What is really the most important thing? All the stuff and complaints in our lives seem to fade. It should be like this all the time, but often we need a wake up call from our selfishness.

Please be in prayer for Liam’s family during this time on immense loss.

Psalm 10:17

"You, LORD, hear the desire of the afflicted;

you encourage them, and you listen to their cry"

If you would like to read more about Liam and Jessie’s stories follow the links bellow

Liam's site
