
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Do you feel like a failure?

At times in life, you can feel like you are a complete failure. Whether it is the way you view yourself, or the abilities you think you have or don’t have, or maybe you failed that test that you really studied hard for…

Whatever it may be, Jesus’ mission in life was to call the sick to repentance.

He came for failures!

Luke chapter five is an interesting chapter. Jesus has four interactions with four individuals that many people would have considered failures. Let’s look at one of those failures: Peter.

Read Luke 5:1-11

Now granted, Peter was a successful fisherman at times, but he did have a very dirty job. To put it into a modern day perspective, Peter’s job was much like that of a modern day garbage man - a good job that doesn’t pay too bad and has its benefits, but it is smelly. This isn’t the kind of job you grow up dreaming about.

Peter was a fisherman. Jesus was a carpenter. Just the simple fact that Peter was willing to listen and submit to Jesus’ authority is amazing. Peter was willing to have faith in Jesus even when he didn’t understand everything that was going on. He took a step of faith. I am sure Peter was thinking, “This isn’t going to work; no one catches fish during the middle of the day.” But then the impossible happens. They begin to catch so many fish that the nets begin to break.

At this moment Peter sees his failures (sin) before Jesus. Peter was broken by his inadequacies and didn’t see any value in himself. All he could feel was the shame and guilt of his sinfulness. He was so ashamed that he asked Jesus to leave.

When is the last time you were broken over your sin like Peter?

If it has been a long time, maybe your heart for God has become shallow.

What would you not be willing to do or give up to follow Jesus?

It will always cost something to follow Jesus.

Do you ever feel like a complete failure? You’re not alone. Peter failed repeatedly but God used him in incredible ways. God can use you too - you just have to be willing to follow Him.


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