
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas is such a blast! It is very easy to be consumed with shopping, giving presents, and who are we kidding getting what we want!!! I would love to have a new Ipad, but God has been teaching trying to teach me about contentment, I have just be having a difficult time listening.

Here are two scriptures that I read this morning, that disturbed me..

Psalm 69:9

Passion for your house has consumed me, and the insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.

What are you passionate about? Do those passions match your passion for God? Often we are consumed by so much stuff other than God. The truth is that we should be more passionate about God that anything but the truth is that often were not.

Psalm 73:23-25

Yet I still belong to you;
you hold my right hand.
 You guide me with your counsel,
leading me to a glorious destiny.
 Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth.

My prayer this Christmas is that I would desire God more than anything on this earth. May Jesus be our all consuming passion this Christmas season.


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