
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nov 14th Recap....Ignite Series

You can't ignite your relationship with Christ if your actions don't back your beliefs/faith.

In our world following someone just take the click of a button on Twitter or Facebook. You simply read what the person is doing while you lounge on your couch. Following Christ is NOT like following someone on Twitter. A passionate relationship with Christ requires obedient action, not just acknowledging God is God.
James 2 is a challenge to those who say they have faith in God but their actions don't support what they are saying. "even the demons believe and shutter!"-James 2:19

He goes on to give us a great example of a person who's actions back up His belief. Abraham (while not always perfect), had actions that showed He not only acknowledged God as holy, but obeyed Him as well. God told Abraham to offer his only son Isaac as a sacrifice. Isaac, being the one and only son, was also the one in which the entire nation of Israel was supposed to come from. How would God's promise of a great nation be fulfilled if Abraham killed his one and only son??? It didn't matter to Abraham. Although it wasn't fun and didn't make sense, Abraham obeyed God. He believed God would provide a way for everything to be taken care of.

God doesn't always make sense and it isn't always "fun". However, IT IS ALWAYS BENEFICIAL AND REWARDING! God provided a ram for the sacrifice and the nation of Israel became God's chosen people. Abraham is called "God's friend" in the Bible!!! Are your actions matching up with Who you claim to know as Savior? People are always drawn to a flame. Choose to ignite your flame. Check out these three things that could stifle your flame:

1. Empty Confession - "I'm sorry God".... but I continue to do it over and over again. "I'm sorry" is just an excuse.
2. False Compassion- Seeing a need someone has and saying, "How sad!", but never helping the situation.
3. Shallow Conviction- You dabble in sin and don't find yourself hating it. You make an allowance for sin in your life.

Accepting God's gift of salvation is free. Following Him cost everything.
Ignite your relationship with Christ by obeying Him!
You won't be disappointed.

This weekend we will continue the ignite series. We will be looking at John 15 and the story of Samuel and Eli.

Have a great week.


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