
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Connection Problems

This summer our family went on vacation to the beach. The hotel that we were staying at had wireless internet. The only problem was that you had to enter this 10 digit code every time you logged on. The first of the week I was always looking for the sheet of paper with the code on it. A funny thing happened by the end of the week I didn't need to look at the code anymore I had it memorized. At first this was fun that I had memorized a long number so quickly then I started to think, why don't I memorize scripture like that? What was difficult about my answer to that question is I didn't have any good excuses. It just came down to time and effort. Coming back from vacation I came back with a strong desire to start being more intentional with my time with God and specifically memorizing scripture. Why is it that we struggle so much in spending time with God?

If I where to ask you these three questions what would your answers be?

How much time weekly do you spend reading the Bible?

What was the last scripture you memorized? Could you repeat it?

Do you bring your Bible with you to church on Sunday?

The more people I talk to the more I am convinced that this is an area of weakness for teens. Who are we kidding? It is a struggle for adults as well. The cultural norm is to not spend time reading His word. We rarely memorize scripture and almost never bring the Bible with to church. We have tons of excuses like we are busy and it can be hard to understand the Bible. I guess our excuse for not bringing our Bible to church with us is that it is just to heavy or we are to cool to be seen holding a Bible? I know that times have changed and your can read the scripture on the screens and but it is saddening to me that we are missing out of connecting with God on a daily basis.

How much of what you have learned about God have you learned for yourself? What I mean is, what truths have you discovered in your personal time with God by yourself? Not the ones you read in a devotional book or heard taught by your pastor.

This is an area that I want to see the change within HSM (high school ministry) I want high school students to start being passionate about connecting with God. Honestly we are without excuse it is just a matter of wanting to connect with God. He has given us everything that we need.

Where do you get started?

1) Get a Bible you are comfortable with. Meaning an easy to read translation. I would recommend the Life Application Student Version in the New Living Translation. FCA also has a great Bible it puts out yearly

2) Develop a plan. This is where the struggle begins. When during my day do I find the time. I believe for teens there are two options that seem to have some success. (1) First thing in the morning get up a read (2) My personal favorite...In the evening BEFORE you start your homework or starting watching TV or playing on the computer. (3) Find an attainable reading plan. (4) Ask for help from your mom or dad or youth leader

3) Choose a few verses that are short and try memorizing them. Write them on index cards and put them on your mirror, in your car.

3) Get someone to help you with it that has already developed the habit. Another helpful thing to do is get a group of friends to commit to the same type of plan and do it together.


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