
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lock-Out Recap

What an amazing and crazy night at the Lock-Out! We started out at Asheville's Fun Depot riding go-carts, playing laser tag, bumper cars, and arcade games. This madness lasted until about 1am when we loaded the vans and headed back to Brevard! The girls spent the rest of the night at "Metcalf Resort and Spa" where they were treated to mani/pedis and facials. The boys hung out at "BCC Gaming Central" which was complete with all you could play wii/playstation. But no youth event is quite complete without Siobhan; about 4am the boys decided to throw apples and basketballs at her window :) She was thrilled! You don't want to miss out on our next monthly event in October! Stay tuned for details!

Small Groups

Small groups will start this Sunday, September 26th 5-630pm, girls will meet at the Metcalf's and boys will meet at Kyle's. We will all be studying the book of James, which is a great challenge to believers to not only "talk the talk" but to "walk the walk". James 1:22 says "But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves." We can't wait for you to be a part of this study of God's word! Question? Call Brent at the church office 884-5932.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fun Weekend!!!

Here is some stuff coming up this weekend you don't want to miss!

Friday, September 16 we are going to have a lockout. Still not to late to signup. We will be going to Fun Depot in Asheville and then hanging out at the church. Be at the church @ 9 pm with $25 and a permission slip. You can download one @ We will be finishing up @ 8 am Saturday morning.
It is going to be a blast don't miss it

This Sunday, Sept 19 we start a new series for HSM--Walk the Line

So many choices how do you choose what to do or not to do? Being a teenager and being faced with so many decisions daily it can become overwhelming. You constantly feel pressure from your parents and the adults in your life, "to walk the line" and not mess up.

What does God has have to say about the choices in your life? Does what you do with your boyfriend or girlfriend matter? Is it ok to drink but not get drunk? Is is ok to cheat so you can not fail a test?

By the end of the series that we have begun the process of developing Godly boundaries that will enable us to honor Christ with our everyday choices.